India - Norway Marine Pollution Initiative


About The Initiative

Launched in 2019, the India-Norway Marine Pollution Initiative is one of the activities under the bilateral agreement between Government of India and Government of Norway to cooperate on Oceans and develop Blue Economy. A Letter of Intent was signed between the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway to jointly work on the Initiative.

The India-Norway Marine Pollution Initiative seeks to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal 14 and specifically its target 14.1 to “prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution” by 2025. It focuses on innovative, catalytic, and strategic collaborations with the objective of reducing marine litter and other pollutants, and ensuring more sustainable management of waste, in particular plastic waste.

The initiative is complementary to the UNEA Resolution 4 (Sub-resolutions 7 and 10 on marine plastic litter & micro-plastics, and pollution by single-use plastic products, respectively) and the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA). It is aligned with the Prime Minister’s announcement of phasing out single use plastic products by 2022, Indian Government’s Action Plan for the Clean Sea’s Campaign, and other major policies and missions such as the Swachh Bharat Mission and Clean Ganga Mission.

The Initiative has five active projects being implemented by different agencies as follows:

  • Coordinating and Providing a Common Platform for India-Norway Marine Pollution Initiative in India | Implemented by UNEP.
  • Ocean Plastic Turned into an Opportunity in Circular Economy – OPTOCE | Implemented by SINTEF.
  • India-Norway cooperation project on capacity building for reducing plastic and chemical pollution in India (INOPOL) | Implemented by NIVA.
  • Mainstreaming Circular Economy in the Waste Management Sector in India | Implemented by CSE.
  • Marine Litter and mindset change in Mumbai | Implemented by Afroz Shah Foundation.

Project Steering Committee

The activities under the India Norway Marine Pollution Initiative are being guided by the Project Steering Committee comprising of relevant stakeholders. So far 4 meetings of the Project Steering Committee have been organised.

S. No. Ministry/Department Membership
1. Additional Secretary, MoEF&CC Co-Chair
2. Ambassador of Norway Co-Chair
3. Joint Secretary, NITI Aayog/EAC-PM Member
4. Joint Secretary, HSMD, MoEFCC Member
5. Joint Secretary, IC, MoEFCC Member
6. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences Member
7. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Member
8. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, RD and Ganga Rejuvenation Member
9. Deputy Ambassador, Norway Member
10. Member Secretary, CPCB Member
11. Director, National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management Member
12. Director/Representative of National Centre for Coastal Research Member
13. Representative of UNEP Member
14. Representative of The Energy and Resources Institute Member
15. Shri Afroz Shah, UN Environment Champions of the Earth Member
16. Representatives from relevant State Governments as required Member
17. Scientist, HSMD (Dealing with Marine Plastic) Member
18. Director, HSMD, MoEFCC/Convener of Marine Litter Cell of MoEFCC Member Convener

Minutes Of Meetings

PSc 1st meeting

9th January 2020

PSc 2nd meeting

19th February 2020

PSc 3rd meeting

13th January 2021

PSc 4th meeting

3rd February 2022

PSc 5th meeting

21st February 2023

PSc 6th meeting

14th February 2024