India - Norway Marine Pollution Initiative

Beach Cleanup for International Coastal Cleanup Day 17th September 2023

As part of the International Coastal Cleanup Day on the 17th September, 2022, and INOPOL Project partner institutions: SRM, MGC, TERI, NIVA, CIPET and Toxics Link jointly organised a beach clean-up program at Besant Nagar Beach, Chennai. The event was led by Ms. Beate Kvaernes Langset, Counsellor for Climate and Environment, Royal Norwegian Embassy in New Delhi, Dr. Paromita Chakraborty, Mr. Nathaniel Bhakupar Dkhar and enthusiastic students of SRMIST volunteered for the initiative and prepared attractive posters. After the coastal clean-up drive, experts from Norway, India and UNEP shared their reflections on various aspects of marine pollution followed by the youth sharing their experiences, in a virtual event hosted by the organisers.

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